Welsh Inter-Regional Championships, Deeside.

Welsh Inter-Regional Championships, Deeside.


Early June saw the Welsh Inter-Regional Championships took place at Deeside. Our athletes contributed to a fantastic North Wales win overall.

A total of 31 athletes took part from the club;
Callum Fox-Byrne, Lucca Tardivel, Olivia Schrimshaw, Lloyd Robinson, Toby Lemon, Leda Tsvetkova, Lewis Davies, Zac Campbell, Jacob Welsh, Sam Dallas, Orla Kissane, Martha Owen, Aiden Angiletta, Lilly Noble, Megan Wood, Isobel Gunn, Ryan Clough, Gil Fook, Amy Billington, Isaac Bromwich, Gethin Brown, Lesley Brown, Evans Hughes, Rebecca Smith, Clemence Batt, Libby Fook, Dave Stokes, Rhys Evans, Hannah Clough, Tia Tuft, and Kate Church.

The group produced 12 PBs, and 16 Gold, 14 Silver and 9 Bronze medals.